
我人生有一句座右銘 – 「恐懼的背後,有著你想成為的人。」
My motto is "Behind every fear is a person you want to be."

After the failure of HKCEE, I have been given a label as " not a good student material." Such a setback eats away at my sense of self-worth. This horrible memory made me frightened of the academy. I also defined my abilities by the result.

成績雖差,但英文科卻永遠合格。工作多年仍保持舊習慣 - 把英文電影看完一遍又一遍,第一次是想欣賞劇情,第二次是想學習句型,第三第四次是想模仿口音。
Although the grade was terrible, the English subject always passed. After working for many years, I'm still keeping the old habits- watching English movies over and over again. First, I love to enjoy the plot. Second, learning the sentence patterns. Third, imitating the accent as much as you can.

學習語言的熱情還有,無非是因為喜歡與人溝通。Nelson Mandela曾說 “ If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”
The only reason that I passionate about learning a language is I love communicating with people. Nelson Mandela once said, "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
Time flies. When I was 26, I couldn't find my life direction and failed 5 times for the flight attendant interview. I was so upset. At that moment, leaving HK became a good decision to get back an associate degree and improve my immediate English. Therefore, after 3 years, I went to Boston to study.

I wasn't afraid to talk with foreigners in HK. But I didn't dare to talk with anyone in Boston. I was thinking they may mock at me or feeling embarrassing because of my poor English. I couldn't make any friends and speak in English for a month. I was so anxious that I wanted to find the way. Accidentally, I discovered AmazingTalker on the internet and being Rob's student after 3 days.

Thank you so much Rob for giving me so many chances to speak in English! Although I still make some mistakes, he booted up my confidence and I stopped doubting myself. The first semester just passed. I got a high score A- in psychology. Professor complimented me that I actively participated in the class and answered her question as English is my second language.

At the age of 28, I supposed to be stabilized of everything or get married and have a child. But I chose to face my fear. I still have the heart to improve my English and not label myself as a useless person. I have faith that I will thank my braveness in the future.

No matter which language you're learning, or you didn't learn well. Perhaps your desire for success is not enough.

Be a person who has a thirsty heart.

Les professeurs

Pronunciation Specialist
29 €
/ 50 min
9 €
/ Cours d'essai
chinoisA1 Débutant
Pronunciation Specialist
chinoisA1 Débutant
📕 Pronunciation and Accent training. Proven techniques to sound like a native speaker. 🧠Do you get stuck when it is time to speak? I will train your brain to quickly and effectively express your thoughts, ideas, and emotions. 💪 After 10 lessons, you can increase your speaking and listening ability by 60%
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5 avis

  • 面對恐懼 直球對決

    也正在考 唎酒師 燒酎唎酒師的資格

  • 你好 文章很激勵人心! 因為我也是在29歲時放下一切歸零到日本挑戰新生活,目前已經待第七年了喔! 除了可以順暢使用日語之外,也結交很多朋友,最重要的是有了這七年的海外經驗真的很值得。 目前我也跟你一樣在上 Rob 的課程,跟你有一樣的感受。 希望我下一個階段能夠脫離亞洲,學習你到西方國家挑戰看看。 有時間也來我這裡看看我的故事吧 一起加油!!
  • Keep it up. just keep in mind that “you’re on your way”. 歡迎來分享留言我的故事!!
  • awesome!
  • Great job! I really enjoyed reading your story. Very inspirational.